Field - watercourse margin management measures selection tool

Purpose: This tool guides the user through a set of questions on the landscape, pressures and pollution pathways context to target edge of field mitigation measures. The answers inform prioritisation versus rejection for a set of sixteen described riparian measures for improving water quality. The measures include more commonly understood grass, wildflower and wooded buffers to more novel, targeted measures for erosion and artificial drainage.

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Disclaimer: The tool functions as a screening tool and engagement on these common to novel measures, intended to lead to bespoke site survey for final decisions, and is not designed to take the place of professional and policy advice.

Data handling: Users can enter data anonymously without entering any place-specific, or personal information. No data are stored.

Funding: The tool has been designed by the SmarterBufferZ project in 2022, an Irish EPA Research funded project (grant 2017-W-LS-16)

Click the button below to open the tool

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